
The email we’ve been waiting for…

 HI Dean

Please come and collect your TAX INVOICE & BILL OF LADING for ANL DARWIN TRADER.

The vessel ANL DARWIN TRADER is due to arrive Dili on 31-Aug-15 and will be berthing on 4-9-15

Please note the arrival date may change without notice.


Voyage: 1915N

Ocean Bill No:  


 $        62.71


Tax Invoice: Total ($ 62.71 USD)

Container Demurrage

Dry Containers: 10 Calendar free days after cargo is available from vessel berthed.

Attention all your import emails to:

Yanti Lisboa

Thanks and God Bless

Ruth Martins

Reception and Administration Officer

Toll  T-L

Kampung Merdeka, Comoro,

Dili, Timor-Leste


Phone:+670 3310162

God bless you Ruth!!

In the meantime we’ve left our home in Ubud, loaded up the scooter and headed to the north coast via some volcanoes.

Today we dived on an island, Menanjakan might be it’s name, fun but not life changing.

Flights to Dili on the 8th… Counting it down now.

Love to all at home, and big congrats to Australia’s newest permanent resident Flossie.  Wish we were home to have a beer or twelve with you guys, will have some arak cocktails instead!

Our boat is in Darwin!

Still here in Bali, currently passing time in a little villa in Ubud, exploring the surrounding area and watching the marine traffic website with interest to see where our cargo boat is… Yes – you can find out where a marine vessel is at almost anytime, very handy for those among us who have little faith in what our friends at the freight forwarding company tell us 🙂 And… ship tracker as you can see, our boat is in Darwin harbour, miraculously more or less on time according to the last schedule we were sent. And courtesy of some more tracking info, we know our container is loaded and at the port ready to be put on said boat… container   According to all this, Betsy should be in Timor by the evening of the 31st, but being old hands at this, we know that just because the boat arrives, it doesn’t mean it will get unloaded anytime soon, so we’ve booked our flights to Dili for one week after that, by which time (with some luck) we could go directly to customs, get the carnet stamped and then go get the bike. That’s the plan anyway.

Hanging out in Bali

So we have been here in Bali for just over a week now…the boat from Australia to Dili with the bike has been delayed again…this is starting to feel like deja vu…! So now it is not due to leave Australia until the 29th (originally the 21st) so at this stage we still have another 2 weeks to kill here!

We spent about a week on Lembongan, a little island off the coast of Bali which was really cool. A lot quieter than Bali, some really good diving with great visibility but very cold water – one dive got down to 16C! A great place to relax and not really do much. We then came back to Bali, rented a scooter and headed up to Ubud where we met up with Natasha for a few days. Its the first time we have been here in the high season so there are a lot more people than we are used to but its still a nice place to waste some time. We hired a few scooters and rode up to a temple on a lake (it does have a name…?!) It was a beautiful ride and so much fun to be on a bike of my own for once! Dodging in and out of all the crazy traffic here also added to it…I’m not sure about this pillion deal anymore…!

Dean is off today riding with his friend Kadex while I will hang with Natasha before she heads back to Kuta to get ready to fly home. As for the following days I really have no idea how we are going to occupy ourselves…I have a feeling we may find ourselves back diving on Lemongan again…

Our $6 feast over looking the sea in Lemongnan

Our $6 feast over looking the sea in Lemongnan


A local woman stocktaking the daily catch

Me with my jizzed up coconut water ;)

Me with my jizzed up coconut water 😉

Dean the hair farmer

Dean the hair farmer

Natasha and I tearing it up in Bali on our beasts!

Natasha and I tearing it up in Bali on our beasts!

Natasha drawing a crowd by giving out strawberries (I think they were actually wanting money..!)

Natasha drawing a crowd by giving out strawberries (I think they were actually wanting money..!)

The view from our room

is worth a million dollars.


Our room not so much…


Sally smelt the pillows and informed me they’re dirty 🙂

Hanging here in Lembongan island, where we have booked a few days diving starting tomorrow.

It’s a lovely island away from the chaos of the typical Bali beaches, and we’re looking forward to getting back into the water!
