
After 3 long days of riding through the standard crazy choking traffic of India we made it to Udaipur, Rajasthan. It didnt take long for the feeling that Goa was just a moment in time and we were back in India!

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The landscape changed from dry and dusty with gumtrees and cows to sandy and hilly with camels and cows… making us feel like we were heading into the desert. It was a nice change.

Udaipur is a touristy busy town with some amazing architecture, quite unlike anything else we have seen so far. There are lots of narrow streets making us feel like we’re in Europe which is nice but we soon get brought back to reality with the screaming car horns.

Udaipur's night view

Udaipur’s night view

Dean and I have started to scream ‘beeeeeeeeeeeep’ when everyone else is doing it. We’ve had some strange looks but once they work out what we are doing they laugh at us and stop beeping so it kind of works!

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Tomorrow we head to see a couple of forts and then on to another one at Jodphur… A short day we hope because our bums are killing us 😁

One thought on “Rajasthan

  1. Amazing reading this….you have experienced so much!..
    Keep up the writing, hope Dean’s feeling better ,
    Love to both of you, be safe and enjoy….only 8 more months xxxx

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