Shipping Australia to Timor

Shipping the bike is the least exciting part of a trip, can be very frustrating and usually takes longer than you want.  Other people’s blogs have helped me with this in the past, so this is my turn to pass on some experience.

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Australia (Darwin) to East Timor (Dili) was very easy to organise, not particularly cheap, but as a RORO service, very convenient.

I chose to ship by sea cargo because it costs half as much as air, and in this case is much easier as you don’t need to crate the bike.

Here’s how:

Prices were in August 2015.

1) ANL organise the shipping from Darwin to Dili, currently running 2 boats between Darwin-Dili-Singapore.  The sailing schedules and contact details are published on their website, they have a boat roughly once every 7-10 days.

Beware that the schedules are prone to change with no notice, i.e. they run late, never early.  Ours progressively changed by 8 days between booking and delivery.

Call them and they will send you a booking form to fill in and return to them.  They will reply with a booking  confirmation which you are to print and take with you to customs and PJ’s (see below).

2) When you’re ready to drop off the bike, visit customs in Darwin, 21 Lindsey St, Darwin, (GPS -12.458359,130.840225), and have them stamp your carnet.  They will want to see your ID and booking confirmation, which should take about 10mins.

3) Drop off the bike at PJ’s Freight yard, Export Drive, East Arm NT 0822.  (GPS  -12.469490, 130.922875).  This is about 10km from the city centre, if you drop it off late in the day with a bit of luck one of the guys at PJ’s will give you a ride back to the city.  This literally involves riding into the shed, parking the bike and walking away.

4) Go somewhere else for a week or 4 until the bike has been delivered to Dili.

5) Book your flight to Dili – (Sriwijaya Air or Air Timor) booking in advance may leave you in Dili for longer than desired if your boat is delayed.  By SE Asian standards Dili is very expensive, factor US$30/night MINIMUM for a terrible room, but you can eat cheaply on the street if you’re game for a couple of dollars, otherwise restaurants will range from $5 for a cheap meal up to western prices.  We stayed in a barely habitable room, with a broken toilet that was at the end of a pile of construction rubbish for US$30/night.

6) Once in Dili, get a taxi from the airport direct to the ANL freight yard, (GPS -8.559512, 125.532399).  This should cost $2.  Give them your booking confirmation, Passport and about US$70 and they will give you your Bill of Lading – which proves the cargo belongs to you.

7) Take the Bill of Lading, a copy of your passport, your ownership document and your carnet to Customs in the Port in Dili.  Avenida Salazar,  Díli, Timor-Leste  (GPS -8.553605, 125.573624).  They will stamp your carnet, keep the lower portion of that page and send you on your way.  Should take 5 mins.

8) Return to ANL, show them the stamped carnet, and they will give you a cargo release form, which you take to a small customs hut across the compound and give to the customs officer, more stamping and passport checks and you can take your bike away.  This took me an hour as the bike was still in the container.  If your’s is at the back of the container instead of the front it could be several hours.

9) Fill the bike with fuel (the petrol stations on the way out of town charge much less than the one in the middle:  US$140/lt vs US$1.05/lt) and ride away!!

Cost – The KTM950 cost AUD$925 to get to Dili, (paid to ANL Australia) and another USD$68 in local fees in Dili, paid in the ANL office.  Customs should not charge you.

Crossing from Timor to Indonesia is overland, and all the islands in Indonesia are connected by RORO ferries, that normally leave daily.  The exception to this is from West timor (Kupang) to Flores (or elsewhere), which leave a few times a week.  Ask at your hotel in Kupang for more details.

We’re going all the way to Medan in Sumatra for shipping to Penang, Malaysia.  I chose this option because it’s another RORO service, no crating, and the customs and port process is very simple and also cheap.  More on that in the next post on shipping.

Hope this helps someone!

Timor Leste tomorrow

Just a quick little update the night before we fly to Dili, finally our time here in Bali waiting out the shipping has ended and we’re off to start our adventure in earnest, we hope.

But not without some last minute hurdles, as we found out last night that Air Timor cancelled our flight and was not expecting to resume operations until ???

We tried to book another flight online with Sriwijaya Air (I’m sure you’ve heard of them!), but they wouldn’t accept a payment, so we had to run to the airport to make the payment in person.  Done.  Phew.

Hopefully tomorrow we can get all the red tape done and collect the bike. Hopefully.

This last week we have been diving in the north of Bali, walking the full length of the beach here from Kuta to Seminyak (22km return!), exploring the south of the island where we found a little gem of a beach somehow not yet ruined by tourism and exploring many more beaches that have been ruined by tourism and unregulated development.

That’s about it really, fingers crossed for tomorrow!




Some pics from the last week hanging at Belangan beach.

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it’s hard work really.

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no big hotels here at all, just some wooden huts on the beach usually with a restaurant down stairs.

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We slept in a little room in the top of that one, $15 a night!

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this one’s for you Paul.


All packed up…

all that we have packed into the garage.



and all that we need for the next year, packed into 3 small boxes.


Fast forward one week and here we are…finally in Darwin after a long emotional week of goodbyes  :(((( and a long boring ride to the top end…The bike is packed up and ready to go on the ship to Dili and we are waiting to get a plane to Bali while we wait for the bike to arrive (praying for no delays!!)

We will try to keep this blog as interesting and fun as possible however if we fail to do this it means we are having too much fun or we have no internet! For the next few weeks we are going to be chilling on islands in the sun and diving so if anyone cares to join us please do! Love xx


Devils Marbles


We arrived late into Devils marbles after stopping a few hours in Alice yesterday. You wouldn’t know it from the pic but the camp was completely full.
Still, we found a little corner and I dragged some wood back from a km down the road for a little fire.
Another bowl of pasta for dinner, before watching the stars for a couple of hours before bed.
Amazing sky in this part of the country… Terrible coffee but amazing sky 🙂

Kings Canyon


Petrol in Kings Canyon… BARGAIN!

Just lobbed into Alice for breakfast, last night we camped at Glen Helen (nice) and the one before in Ebenezer roadhouse (horrible).

We did the Kings Canyon hike yesterday which was really pretty, some pics next time we get WiFi.

Have been travelling well, getting into a bit of a groove, bike is running great (albeit a bit thirsty).

2 more riding days to get to Darwin, may camp at Devils marbles tonight, then thinking Adelaide river the next night.

Love to all xo